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Building a LvL 1 Basics 101

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Building a LvL 1 Basics 101 Empty Building a LvL 1 Basics 101

Post  Muskratnation Sat Sep 19, 2009 12:45 pm

make your new lvl 1 mobster acct

DO NOT DO ANY MISSIONS! If you do you will level and don't come crying to us thinking we can fix it! You fucking it up makes it harder for us to do shit with it!

1) do not add anyone 2 the acct, you do not want any mobbies period yet. Its ok to send Myspace invites ONLY, but do not add them in the game.
2) do not buy any equipment. you don`t need any it will only make u lvl up.
3) never attack anyone with your lvl 1. unless you are wanting to level it up or are doing transfers.
4) never attempt 2 do a transfer without help unless you know how 2 do so.
5) never attack other lvl 1 - 6 if u win you get points making u lvl up.
6) failure to login and check your mobster at least every 3 days or u get a hired gun u can`t sell. Then your an Idiot.
7)failure to login within 7 days stops your income. This makes you a bigger fucking idiot!
8 ) if you die on lvl 1 you lose ZERO points u may have gained. This means you keep the experience, and we get to call you an IDIOT!
9) do not bank your cash you lose 10 % of your cash. Hello McFly, are you a fucking IDIOT!?!?!?!
10) always buy property with mobcalc Here`s link : http://mobcalc.nicksfreeinfo.com/ there are others out there. Not using one, you guessed it - MAKES YOU A FUCKING IDIOT!
11) if you get a tard attacking you, trying 2 lvl u up and ur wining the fights go commit suicide by attacking a lvl 300 plus. If you don't, well then be an idiot and enjoy the ride and don't bitch about it, cause we warned you.
12) we are here to help you but we will not baby sit your acct. You can't pay us enough to do that shit!! and if you persist, we will steal your money off of it and list you with it!


Posts : 6
Join date : 2009-03-26

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