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Mobster Basics

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Mobster Basics Empty Mobster Basics

Post  Muskratnation Sun Dec 20, 2009 10:52 am

Choose your mob class

* Within Mobsters, there are four player classes: Nightowl, Soldato, Mogul and Renegade. Each class helps you build up specific stats faster. Nightowls gain energy faster, Soldatos gain health faster, Moguls gain money faster, and Renegades gain smaller bonuses, but to everything: energy, health, and money.

[-] Inviting Friends

* To add someone to your mob, they must first be on your friends list. Then you must go to your My Mob page and send that person an invitation. If your friend does not have Mobsters added, they will be asked to do so. Once they have added Mobsters, they will need to go to their own My Mob page to accept your invitation.

Managing Equipment

5 mob and equip per lvl ie lvl 5x5 mob = 25 pieces and so on until lvl 100 with a max of 100 x5 = 500 + 8 top mob + any hired guns

[-] Buying
o Purchase equipment at the price listed. Remember that some items require an hourly upkeep cost to maintain. always try 2 but 10 at a time or use mobcalc to buy up to 200 at a time

[-] Upkeep

* Certain equipment has upkeep costs that are deducted from your income (from territory) every hour. You need to balance your income from territory and your upkeep from equipment, or you will go into a negative cash flow. When this happens, you will need to buy more property, sell equipment with high upkeep cost, or both.

[-] Attack Values

* Each piece of equipment has a separate attack and defense strength. When you attack someone, only the attack strength of your equipment will be used. The game will select your best offensive equipment when you attack.

[-] Defense Values

* Each piece of equipment has a separate attack and defense strength. When you are attacked by another Mobster, only the defense strength of your equipment will be used. The game will select your best defensive equipment when you are attacked.

[-] Weapons

* Every member of your mob that fights for you in battle can carry one weapon. You should have enough weapons in your inventory to equip all of these players. Weapons are not just for offense, so make sure to have a good balance of offensive and defensive weapons to give you a better chance of success when fighting.

[-] Armor

* Every member of your mob that fights for you in battle can wear one piece of armor. You should have enough armor in your inventory to outfit all of these players. Armor is not just for defense, so make sure to have a good balance of offensive and defensive pieces to give you a better chance of success when fighting.

[-] Vehicles

* Every member of your mob that fights for you in battle can drive one vehicle. You should have enough vehicles in your inventory for all of these players. Make sure to have a good balance of offensive and defensive vehicles to give you a better chance of success when fighting.

[-] Skill Points

* You earn skill points each time your character gains a level. These points can be used in the My Mobster tab to increase your attack strength, defense strength, maximum energy, maximum health, and maximum stamina.

[-] Attack

* Increase your attack strength to attack rival mobs more effectively. When you attack other mobs, your mobster’s attack strength will be used in conjunction with the attack strength of your equipment to determine the fight result.

[-] Defense

* Increase your defense strength to defend against rival mobs more effectively. When you are attacked by another mobster, your mobster’s defense strength will be used in conjunction with the defense strength of your equipment to determine the fight result.

[-] Health

* Increase your max health to survive and fight longer during extended battles. One skill point increases your maximum health by ten.

[-] Stamina

* Increase your stamina to attack, punch, and hit list your opponents more quickly. Two skill points are needed to increase your maximum stamina by one.


Posts : 6
Join date : 2009-03-26

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